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Thursday, May 19, 2016

idge or age ...

Hermitage ...

What makes the difference applicable to "age" or "idge" suffix...?

"idge or age"; Either sound like a combination of some root words being forged-together ...
What then about drifting apart?
Could it be that of "Letting Go" that Christ, Jesus, coiuld not let go of His mother, even if near final words in His story on the cross ...
..and that He could not let go of God, rather giving Himself wholly...
...and that the Holy Spirit could not let go of Him ...

..and God never completely let go of Him or the Holy Spirit ...
...and as Parents
could not let go (even if only by choice, could or could not....
..the scriptures may reveal some , probably more (only guesiing) to the question , "did or did not" ?

Porridge (etymologyonline,com),,,, Spelling with -idge attested from c. 1600. Association with oatmeal is 1640s, first in Scottish.... (..the suffix probably doesn't make a difference to the oatmeal ,,,that's a separate topic)
Does it make any difference to topic, or, what differences?
The hermit; Just a loiterer?.. or , Just wonderer?
...Seeking God first and praying, that(finding what to pray for or about or even simple praise of something)that could take all day to figure it out,,,21st Century Hermitage

Of  a centered space of your own more specific sign (30 degree portion of the 360 degree sky) of any one zodiac, all but the very centered degree within a 30 degree sign; each point as a center point would have a balance of 15 degrees to each side from center...
A Libra, x number of degrees would have the other portions either in Virgo or Scorpio...

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). It seems logical to put your effort into taking the next step. But right now, your effort is best spent in drumming up the confidence — convincing everything inside of you that you're worthy. Do this and the next step just happens.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Most things you can fall into (including luck, love, a rhythm, a rut, depression and more) require a process of surrender. Today, hold on until you really understand the nature of what you're surrendering to.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). If you compare yourself to the master and you don't fall short, it's time to get a new guru. Outgrowing your teachers is a natural progression of life. It is possible to have a smooth, resistance-free transition in this matter.

(For those specific horoscopes of the day, see Reframing Moon  It's likely your next move is based on  ... By Holiday Mathis
on the daily horoscopes calendar date  May 16, 2016

Back to topic...
...interesting story...

"I promise, but please recite three Hail Marys every day"

While Saint Mechtild begged the glorious Virgin Mary to deign assist her at the time of death by her presence, Our Lady replied:

"I promise, but please recite three Hail Marys every day.

For the first, you shall address your prayer to God the Father, who exalted my soul to give me the second rank after himself, in heaven and on earth, and ask him yourself that I be present at the hour of your death to comfort you and chase away from you any opposing powers.

In the second, turn towards the Son of God who, in his inscrutable wisdom, endowed me with such fullness of knowledge and understanding that I enjoy the most Holy Trinity in a superior knowledge to that all other saints. You will also ask him ... that I fill your soul, at the hour of your death, with the light of faith and science, and that you may be protected from all ignorance and error.

By the third, you shall address the Holy Spirit, who inundated me with his infinite Love, and ask that I be present at the time of your death, to pour the sweetness of divine Love into your soul. In this way you will be able to overcome the sufferings and bitterness of death, to the point of seeing them change into sweetness and rejoicing."

Saint Mechtild of Hackeborn (1241-1248)
In Le Livre de la Grâce spéciale, Part 1, Chapter XLVII, Tours, Mame, 1921.
Les trois "Ave"

Read more :

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of death.

Transient relationships

Valid during many months: This is a time of increased freedom in and through your personal relationships. You are able to express yourself to others in ways that have never before been possible for you. This may take the form of a new interest or hobby or a new field of study. You may be attracted to technical and scientific subjects, as well as to occult studies such as astrology.
You respond much more quickly to people around you now and generally give the impression of being more alive and willing to challenge life, and you are. You may also seem somewhat impulsive and perhaps a bit nervous, but most people will not find you upsetting.
Sudden new contacts with others may provide opportunities to branch out and do things that you have never done before. You may have a chance to travel, for example, or to take up some completely new activity. Your old way of life no longer interests you, and if someone tries to convince you to keep to your old ways, you just get bored.
New relationships may begin now that challenge you creatively, but they may not last longer than this influence, so it is well not to make any permanent commitment until later. Even though the relationships may be transient, they will have a liberating effect upon you and increase your capacity to experience life. Often the other person will act as a "guru," that is, he or she will open up spiritual dimensions that you have never experienced before. However, do not expect this person to come in standard guru clothing. It could be anyone, and very often he or she will not look at all like the conventional notion of a spiritual teacher. Enlightenment takes as many forms as there are teachers and students.

Transit selected for today (by user):
Uranus trine Ascendant, ,
activity period beginning of May 2016 until beginning of April 2017
Every Thursday (until revoked) there is free access to all transits listed below.

Transit selected for today (by the computer):
Venus opposition Venus

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